Photo by Evelyn Gonzalez, UCR Student Administrative Coordinator

Allison Wang is a third-year honors student at the University of California-Riverside, seeking B.A.s in Political Science and Public Policy. 

In her freshman year, she was offered a research assistant position in Dr Kim Yi Dionne's Publicly Engaged Research Lab. Over the course of several months in 2022, Allison, alongside many lab members, published a research paper entitled: Undergraduates and Political Science Research: Insights from Research Assistants in a Minority-Serving Institution Lab. This paper was published in Cambridge University Press' PS: Political Science & Politics journal on 29 March 2023.

Her internship for the highly competitive class, POSC198G-Field Work, was with the KVCR News radio station located in San Bernardino, CA. During this 10 week quarter she published many news stories on KVCR's airwaves and with encouragement from KVCR's main staff, has decided to continue this journalism work with the station. See her radio features here

In Summer 2023, she was accepted into UC Center Sacramento, an academic internship program that engages students in CA politics, policy and civic engagement though classes and internships. Allison's internship was with the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, Constituent Affairs Department. 

Furthermore, she serves as a staff editor for the UCR Honors' Audeamus, a national multidisciplinary journal that publishes works of all mediums from undergraduate students all across the nation.