Allison Wang

Allison is a fourth year honors student at the University of California, Riverside, working towards B.A.'s in Political Science and a minor in Public Policy. 

In her sophomore year, she was offered a research assistant position in Dr Kim Yi Dionne's Publicly Engaged Research Lab. Over the course of several months in 2022, Allison, alongside many lab members, published a research paper entitled: Undergraduates and Political Science Research: Insights from Research Assistants in a Minority-Serving Institution Lab.

Currently she also works as an intern reporter at the 91.9 KVCR News radio station located in San Bernardino, CA. She has published many news stories on KVCR's airwaves and is continuing her passion for journalism. 

She is part of the Fall 2023/Winter2024 cohort for the Minority Serving Institution Research Academy (MSIRA), a 20 week long publicly engaged political science research program. 

Photo by Austin Clark, Deputy Press Secretary, Office of Representative Mark Takano

Part of the DPERL team + guests during the end-of-the-year social, Spring 2023

UC Center Sacramento cohort photo, Summer 2023